Approval Hierarchy Request Forms

This page contains links and instructions for requesting iSupplier Hierarchy Assignments or changes to iSuppler Hierarchy Approvals.   When forms are submitted, an email message will be generated containing the information provided and sent to the Helpdesk for processing.  You can request a copy of the email for your record.

Hierarchy Assignments

The Hierarchy Assignment Form is used to associate a predefined hierarchy (see Hierarchy Change Request Form). There are three methods to associate hierarchies - each one identified by a radio button on the form. It is only necessary to fill out the tabs based on what Hierarchy Assignments are being requested - i.e. if the request is only to associate a Hierarchy at a PO level, the Vendor Site and Organization forms do not need to be filled out.

  1. Hierarchy Assignment to a PO - A predefined hierarchy can be assigned to a PO or a PO level. Enter a Hierarchy Name and then list the PO Numbers that are to be associated with it. If it applies to individual PO Lines, the PO Line numbers must also be included.
  2. Hierarchy Assignment to a Vendor Site - A predefined hierarchy can be assigned to a given Vendor Site. Enter a Hierarchy Name (that has been predefined using an Approval Hierarchy Change Request Form) and the Vendor Name and Vendor Site it is to be associated with.
  3. Hierarchy Assignment to an Organization (Agency) - A hierarchy can be assigned to agency at an organization level to act as the "default" approval routing for any invoice that is submitted against a PO that does not have a PO or Vendor Site level hierarchy. Each agency must have one and only one active hierarchy at the Organization level. Enter the Hierarchy Name and the name of the Agency.
Hierarchy Change Request

This form is used to create or modify approval hierarchies. Approval hierarchies are used to route payment requests to a set of approvers.